| Privacy Statement |


Tryptica APP legal statement.


Tryptica APP Privacy Statement




Tryptica APP allows you to take photos with your iOS device and compose in a countless tryptic series of combinations or as a single image with multiple filter effects applied.


How Photos are collected, processed, stored, or transmitted...


Photos you take with the Tryptica APP are saved to your Camera Roll.


Use of information


If you share photos with a third-party app, use of the photos is subject to the third party's privacy policy.

® MAVENGRAPHICS, LLC. // All Rights Reserved

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    Chip McElroy

    Creator of Tryptica

    Tryptica is a Photography APP based on the principle "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". This creative application allows users to design mosaic / tryptic image collages built from border-less, seamless, tiled compositions.